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Chakra Reset
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Erica Zernzach
Michele Blaylock
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Chakra Reset
Shamanic Healing Training 1 Hour Virtual Coaching Session
Erica Zernzach
Crown Chakra Meditation
Available until
Join Erica for a meditation to restore and balance the Crown Chakra.
Erica Zernzach
Chakra Reset Series - Crown Chakra
Available until
Join Erica for a meditation to restore and balance the Crown Chakra.
Erica Zernzach
Chakra Reset Series - Root Chakra
Available until
The Root Chakra is one of most influential and powerful of all. If this one isn’t balanced - the “whole show” (life, body, purpose, instincts) doesn’t work at its highest level. Explore how to balance and restore this significant energy center.
Erica Zernzach
Root Chakra Meditation
Available until
Join Erica for a meditation to restore and balance the Root Chakra.
Erica Zernzach
Chakra Reset Series - Sacral Chakra
Available until
This course explores how to balance and restore this energy center. A balanced Sacral Chakra contributes to a fulfilling and harmonious life on emotional, creative, and interpersonal levels.
Erica Zernzach
Sacral Chakra Meditation
Available until
Join Erica for a meditation to restore and balance the Sacral Chakra.
Erica Zernzach
Chakra Reset Series - Solar Plexus
Available until
This course explores how to balance and restore this energy center. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra supports a harmonious integration of personal power, self-esteem, and a positive approach to life.
Erica Zernzach
Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
Available until
Join Erica for a meditation to restore and balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Erica Zernzach
Chakra Reset Series - Heart Chakra
Available until
This course explores how to balance and restore this energy center. A balanced Heart Chakra supports a sense of belonging, love, joy, acceptance, patience, gratitude, forgiveness and releasing pain
Erica Zernzach
Heart Chakra Meditation
Available until
Join Erica for a meditation to restore and balance the Heart Chakra.
Erica Zernzach
Chakra Reset Series - Throat Chakra
Available until
This course explores how to balance and restore this energy center. A balanced Throat Chakra supports expressing ideas clearly and honestly, and projecting your authentic self into the world.
Erica Zernzach
Throat Chakra Meditation
Available until
Join Erica for a meditation to restore and balance the Throat Chakra.
Erica Zernzach
Chakra Reset Series - Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra
Available until
This course explores how to balance and restore this energy center. A balanced Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra promotes improved awareness, focus, imagination and creativity.
Erica Zernzach
Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra Meditation
Available until
Join Erica for a meditation to restore and balance the Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra.
Erica Zernzach